Welcome to the Crafty Side of Datapike Design

Animal Welfare

Supporting local animals in need through rescue, foster, TNR (trap-neuter-return), and more.

Human Rights

Creating safer spaces for every human, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or other diversity.

Community Support

Serving the community through warm wearables, shelter donations, and direct assistance.

Crafting Change, One Stitch at a Time

I strive to create change through Craftivism (crafts + activism) and make positive steps toward a more colorful, inclusive, and compassionate future for all. I promote justice, equality, and sustainability through both my work and life. Whether it’s advocating for animal welfare, LGBTQ+ rights, or other important issues, I use my creativity to make a positive impact and work toward a better, more compassionate future.

Cozy Craftivist is the trade name for my craft-based business activities. It is an activism-focused subsidiary of Datapike Design, a small business located in Baltimore, Maryland and run by me – Jenn Dahlke – a queer and autistic human with chronic pain / illness. Making beautiful, useful, and meaningful things for others brings me such joy and purpose.

I sell handmade items to fuel my activist efforts, create change through Craftivism, and strengthen the community. In fall / winter, I sell my crafts at various in-person events around Maryland. Buying from me helps support the Baltimore community, its people, and its animals.

My service-based clients utilize my digital services for a variety of needs, such as graphic design, web design, website development, maintenance, and hosting. If you’d like to learn more about those offerings, click the button below.
